Half of what I say is meaningless but I say it so the other half may reach you
-Khalil Bibran
So first off something to do with Canada. A Congratulations I'd like to send out to Karl Alzner. Congratulations on becoming captain, on the gold(twice) and on the draft(i thought i saw you and said congrats but in case i didn't here it is). If anyone who's reading this and talks with Karl please pass on the congrats to him. I got a package from home with newspaper clippings of Karl on the front and the ensuing article. It sent happy shivers down my spine. It just made me so happy to see someone realizing their dream after so much work(and much more to come). Next step is the Stanley cup, then the Olympics. Congrats dude, I always knew you'd make it
Now where to start, when you're not sure you want to start. It's been a long time and i got a lot of ground to cover. This many attribute to random things being said and a not so straight time line.(20 mins later) I can't write. My throat is burning. But please don't worry. I'll figure this out, hopefully. Hope is such a strange word. That poem I wrote about hope, I have something to admit to. I don't believe in the ending. I knew thats the way it would be best suited for others to read and that's why it ended with the prospect of a better tomorrow. But writing the poem, whatever you'd like to call it, how it ended is not how i felt. For this I apologize. Maybe one day I will believe in that ending and maybe that's why i wrote it that way. Don't read into this to much and don't get upset by this. Everyone has off days and everyone has days of down trodden feelings. Some days short and bitter others long and drawn out. I came today to talk about/update my time in Ghana. But as i started to read a letter, something took hold of me, drained me of all avenues of thought. To try and tell you about my time now would be a waist of both your time and mine. Anything I would write at this time would only be half ass'd and unenthusiastic, pure rubbish. I probably should leave this writing to somewhere else, not somewhere that others could view it. But i do owe an explanation of sorts as to why I'm not updating. Right now for the past little while I haven't been here in the present. Where? Same thing I'd like to know but I've been questioning many things only coming to answers that either fuel more questions or ash into un-quenching responses. Every time I come to write I just loose the "spark", my mind empties into space, open space in confined quarters. To simply put it, I get there and I Just Can't Write. Strange i know(wish this excuse worked in English class). Today is just not a great day and I wrote about it. So like i said don't worry. Days come, days go. Some fast and others slow. Take'm as they come but don't take'm to seriously. Sorry I'm only good for about two lines rhyming and then you're on your own. I know it's unfair to leave everyone in the dust and not tell people what I'm up to. So I'll make you a promise. I'm going to try really hard to update. I think what i need to do next time is write something before i come. I just can't seem to do it on spot anymore. Please bear with me as much as I'm trying do the same. This was a somber kinda entry we need a joke. Here's my all time favorite joke. I'm serious I'm not telling a lie, this is my fav joke of all time, hands down or hopefully on your stomach because you're laughing so hard.
What did Batman say to Robin before they got in Batmobile? Get in the Batmobile Robin.
Okay i won't be offend if you didn't find rip roaring hilarious. It's more about the delivery in person but still its my fav.
PEACE AND LOVE(seriously I mean it)
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
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