So this post has nothing to do with what I'm doing at the moment. These two things I'm going to post, actually it may only be one for now, I'm not sure if i want to re-write one of them. These two(?) things I'm posting were written one after the other in the first week of prep-month. We had just finished watching ,Life and Debt, a documentary about Jamaica. I wanted to started journaling but i couldn't, i didn't start journaling until i arrived in Ghana. Instead i just started thinking about certain things and all of a sudden words started writing themselves on paper. Usually if i write something i need to think for a while but these just started flowing from some where. When I finished writing i didn't really look at them again. I read them a few times here in Ghana and thought they might be something to post. These are the writings and at this moment i'm laughing really hard as I'm reading what I'm writing. It's like a huge build up to something crazy but it's not. It's just the babblings of Mark Lanca but i always share my babblings how ever true or untrue, ridiculous or not.
Let it be known that all things are up for debate and let it be heard that all things learned must be questioned. People have a tendency to take things for granted. Whether it be knowledge or being materialistic. My fear is that there are those out there that are taking the passivity and the status quo to heart. People have subtly been conditioned to take everything as truth and that our current path has no where left but up. The thought that all we have is damaging and something of a worldwide concern, will be something people will rally against. Again the thought of those on the fence will be that they must give up everything, so they won't and they will go with those that have told them how to live, what to buy, how to act, what to wear, how to consume, what and how to feel and what to do but their concept of this is on of individualism. Hoping to quash the warnings of those that wish to free us, they will pick "their" side, in their minds believing life will always be convenient and free. In the end they will continue to give up there freedoms as has always been done. By trying to accomplish their goals and sustainability, they will lose their only form of life they have known. But as I have yet to see, all will come and pass as the days, months, and years left come to pass. Or everything I, and others, have come to understand is all nothing but a less than fleeting thought. WE SHALL SEE.
I'm going to be free. Free from the pain that has taken place and that's yet to come. Free to express my concerns but will I really be free? As much as I will have is freedom what good will in do. It will be exploited to such a degree that freedom itself will be a contradiction that no one can understand. Right now I'm taking everything that I know is good and wholesome and most, it's fair to say, is a lie. Most countries have been built on the promise of freedom and strive for the well being of their people. It's the means and the path thats been taken which makes these freedoms false. It's taken their people and found those that will achieve their version of freedom by any means necessary. Most of this world knows of these evils that are committed and continue to do nothing. I also have fallen pray to this. No longer can I/We stand by. Something must be done. Countries raped of their hard fought independence by being sold out to companies and corporations. The few benefit from the masses. It's despicable, when I try to think it can't be so but it's the only real truth I know. It's time for people to take back this entire globe for the freedom that has been taken in ways that are known to all, acknowledged by most, cared about by some and helped by little. But the "tiny", and when i say tiny i mean the majority of people, shall prevail and those who have been in need most shall find their stomaches full, brains filled and sores treated.
Not enough time left to double check theses to make sure they make sense, well they came randomly so how much sense can they make, right? Anyways have to go. PEACE AND LOVE
Saturday, November 24, 2007
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